We are about to come to Italy in August and I was wondering: while clearly there are many gluten free offerings in most/many restaurants, is the gluten free...

We are about to come to Italy in August and I was wondering: while clearly there are many gluten free offerings in most/many restaurants, is the gluten free pasta or pizza or whatever it is cooked in separate and clean pots etc? In other words, from what you know, do restaurants take efforts to keep gluten free food uncontaminated and therefore truly gluten free? Thanks so much for any advice and insight. My 14 year old son has celiac as does my husband. Many many thanks:)

Marta : In Italy all restaurants are good informated. Don 't worry
Maria : You can download the app "Aic Mobile" or "Mangiare senza glutine". All the restaurants with AIC certification are quite sure. You can find a lot of restaurants on the facebook page "Recensiamo i locali informati sulla celiachia"
Annali : http://www.celiachia.it/dieta/Dieta.aspx?SS=95&M=1280